Tuesday, March 19

After a week of constant reformats it would seem that the computer is back reasonably stable for the time being. I am starting to believe that an electronics missionary must have broken into the apartment when no one was looking. How else can you explain the suicide bid of every item in the area that has a microchip in it. If I take a while to update this you can assume that my hard drive is floating around on a fluffy cloud attempting to play a harp.

As for the running I managed a 30 minute jog around the lake dodging old ladies. Despite walking slowly they managed with skilful positioning of icey sections of path and bitterly cold puddles and considered sveres managed to block the entire path. Most of the tracks are now clear of snow and ice but I still had to take care not to end up arse over tit for the 4th time this year. Roll on spring.


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