Life is continuing at full pace. Work is a little calmer now that the celebrations of mid summer are over for another year. Our allotment is growing like crazy, the spinach has been harvested and replaced by salad seeds and everything else is growing well, Maria can describe more if you are interested. My running is progressing back towards capacity again and last week I past the landmark of 1000 miles run since I began taking my running more seriously from the 20th February 2003. In other words longer than from Lands End to John O'Groats. So if you wish to find me in virtual reality running world look either towards the highland isles or the bottom of the English channel!
Kacroon asked what car we had adopted. Its a year 88 Mercedes 200 series and to me it feels a bit like driving a tank compared to the smaller cars I have driven in the past. Switching to the wrong side of the road hasn't been a problem but the daft handbrake is still having my grasp at thin air. Instead of what I would call a "normal" hand brake, this heavy lump has a second foot brake. How long will it take before I stop trying to use the hand brake that isn't there?