Monday, May 27

I have just stumbled accross the "you know when you have been living in Sweden too long" list on the Britts Abroad Stockholm page.I am a bit worried most of them already apply to me ! Heres a selecton;

* The first thing you do on entering a bank/post office/pharmacy etc. is look for the queue number machine.
* You accept that you will have to queue to take a queue number.
* A sharp intake of breath has become part of your vocabulary, as has the sound 'ahh'.
* It's acceptable to eat lunch at 11.00.
* Your front door step is beginning to resemble a shoe shop.
* The fact that all of the "v's" and the "w's" are together in the phone directory seems right.
* An outside temperature of 9 degrees Celsius is mild.
* When someone asks for "three cheers", you say "hoorah, hoorah, hoorah, hoorah".
* You wear sandals with socks.
* You are not offended when a man offers you a suck on his sorbits. (Im not too sure about this one !)
* When you no longer try to just present your VISA card on its own but in tandem with your obligatory ID card.
* When you finally accept that the milkman isn't going to roll up - ever- and you have to go out in the snow to the shop to buy your milk.....
* You can't contemplate actually doing anything until you've first had a 'fika' (with coffee AND cake).
* You no longer snigger when your kids ask for a Plopp when you're out shopping.
* You stop caring why Lever Bros. called Fairy Liquid "YES" in Sweden......
* You mutter "oy,oy,oy" continually to yourself even though you are the only one in the room.


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