Friday, August 30

I think I have spent far to long doing this but as you may have noticed I have been fiddling with my template once again. Maybe I should have remembered the old saying, if it isn’t broken don’t fix it. But I was getting bored with it so a change was due. Now I will have to rush around like a blue arsed fly so that when Maria comes home tonight and asks "What have you been up to today" I can reply with something a little more impressive that "Ohh I just messed around with my templates again". Anyway let me know what you think, even if you only want to moan about it, by the time I have hunted you down I will have calmed down anyway.

On a different note it is time to wish my no longer so little sis bon voyage. Tomorrow she will be starting her year abroad as part of her uni course in Switzerland. Feels a bit strange really, when I left for Sweden in a way I always thought everything would be just where I left it, and that included little sisters. But what really gets my goat is that she will be met at the airport by someone holding one of those " Im here to meet someone very important" signs. Now I know at least half of those people are not really important at all and have only had a taxi sent out to collect them, but that doesnt alter the fact that I would like to pretend to be important at the airport sometime.


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