Sunday, August 18

It has been a relaxing weekend, taking it easy and switching over from a night shift mentality to a daytime one. Thankfully my run of night shifts is over and I can have a slightly more normal life again. We went for a spot of fishing on Saturday evening and Maria is feeling rather pleased with herself I think. 3 little fishes is our best catch yet. While I like the sitting by the lake side I don’t think I make the best fisherman. I enjoy the experience right up to the point where something is caught, then I feel sorry for the small fellas. Oh well it doesn’t matter because I never get any bites anyway. Current score Maria 5 little fishes James 1 little fish, go feed her smugness and leave her a fishy congrats comment.

Today I took myself of on a bike ride around a lake on the edge of town. It filled all the requirements for a good tour, cracking weather, The sound of water lapping at the lake shore, and at least one wrong turn. If you ask where I went I probably couldn’t tell you, but I think I found myself in a set from the wide west at one point or other. Old wooden barns, a trickle of a stream that you would expect to see someone panning for gold in, horses tied up out the back and pipes made out of barrels. Either that or the sun was getting to me. Photos add under local views link to the right.

Other than that not alot has been happening, 5 new ”not a 100” things have been added at Paul’s request and our new computer is on its way yippee,


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