Monday, September 9

Remind me not to ever sit in the passenger seat of a car Maria is driving. As a treat to myself I brought one of those driving wheels you can connect to your computer. I know it’s unnecessary but I’m a big kid at heart and you rest assured my wallet has been put back into storage for the rest of the year. Maybe I will even get a chance to have a go on it soon if I can only get Maria Schumacher out of the driving the seat. Her method is the scary part for any potential passenger. I think it comes from the ”First day at the January sales” school of motoring. Think of the bedum as a bunch of sale crazed ladies are let though the door as the sale opens for the first time and you get the idea. 364 days of the year these folk may be the polities creatures on the face of the earth, but on sale day all that goes to out of the window. Elbows, swinging handbags, death stares whatever it takes to be first to whatever has had 20 percent cut from the price tag. And thats just how maria drives. Scary, but at least i found out from the safety of a computer game.


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