Thursday, October 17

Its doing it again, I keep saying its to early and it should go away but it wont listen. Huge flakes of snow are dropping from the sky and some of them even have the cheek to settle on the ground.

Its time to flirt with the Swedish authorities again. My visa is up for renewal once again so I am back filling in all the forms with the same details that haven’t changed from last year and are never likely to either. Of course everything has to be done by the book but it just seems such a waste of everybody’s time. Maria and myself will then have to travel to the next town to get a new stamp put in my passport. Except the machine will not work as it never does and I will have to leave my passport with them. Which is fine except it will be around the time I will be needing it as we will be visiting England for a week. Don’t you just love red tape?

On a different note the chap running the course I want to do has emailed me finally. Seems he has been sick so I guess we will have to let him off for dragging his feet. I will be getting more information on Friday or Monday. Sadly it seems the course doesn’t provide a qualification at the end of it so one of the reasons for doing it in the first place is striked off before I have even started.

On a plus side I know that my cycle lock is one tough cookie. No amount of general yanking, hacking at with a saw, or swearing at it either in English or Swedish will budge it. Which would be great apart from it refusing to open on any combination even the correct one. Just what I needed after a nightshift. It was no match for a disk cutter however…


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