Tuesday, November 19

Weekly Tuesday Charity Marathon Update

A big thank you to Maria, Karen, Lynn, Paul, and David for their sponsorship and pledges. The grand total at the moment stands at £53.50 with gift aid included. Thank you also to those who have recently linked back to this site, the more people who find their way here the better! The button kindly made by Lynn is still available but please upload the image onto your own server if possible.

The challenge has slowed in pace this last week or so due to the dreaded lergy taking a hold. Its nothing to bad, I am healthy enough to go to work but left with little energy to do much else after that. Training at the moment is out of the question and would only make things worse. Patience has to be the name of the game. I am stocking up on the vitamin c and hoping I will be back to good health in the near future.

Up until now I have yet to commit myself to any targets for any of the runs, its about time I changed that. As an opening aim for the Stockholm half marathon I have decided to try and complete the course in 2 hours. Yes I know that’s a very round figure and looks like I have just plucked it out of the air without much thinking but trust me there is some thought behind this time, honest! Using the “Race time predictor chart” from runners world my current 5km and 10km times produce an estimated time of 2 hours and 3 minutes for a half marathon. Now its out in the open I had better make sure I reach my target.

I have added some extra details in the running madness section. The basic frequently asked questions have been listed but I am sure there must be more questions lurking out there, so feel free to get in touch. I have been in contact with Kate from concern and she will be sending me some extra details about which projects any sponsorship raised will be going towards. Hopefully I will have more to report after thee weekend. Justgivings site has had an overhaul and after a few teething problems no seems to be working fine again.

I have a few other projects on the go but I will keep you in suspense about those for the time being. Its more exciting that way and also if it doesn’t work out I can conveniently forget I ever said anything.


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