Tuesday, June 10

People that are genuinely pleased to be helpful can make all the difference. We could not have been luckier with the staff at our hotel. From the moment we arrived and were picked up at the airport to the return trip they were there willing to help in any way that they could. We were a little curious to see who would be there to collect us. The blurb that we had been sent said that our driver could be contacted at any time in his cell. Was one of the munsters going to collect us? Had we scrolled down a little further after the page break we would have seen the word “phone” followed on, but why let facts like that stop the imagination running wild.

The room itself was lovely, but best of all were the views. On one side a view over the old section of Prague; being on a hill we could see many of the sights and the river(that i somehow managed to miss with this shot). Straight ahead we had a view of Petrin park, hillside trees and an old orchard. Despite being very close to the city centre we had a very peaceful location that could have almost have been in the countryside. Apart from the monastery and church bells that is. It soon came to my attention that the nuns were required to be ready for morning prays at 6am sharp. They marked this moment by running the church bells for 5 minutes at this unearthly hour. How Maria managed to sleep through this each morning is still a point of annoyance!

And then on the final side we had a view of the monastery itself. For one short 15 mins when pray wasn’t required of the nuns, we also had the chance to watch nuns playing volleyball.

I did take a short film of the wonderful view we had but in the style that I manage to do so well managed to rotate my camera 90 degrees. If anyone knows a programme that could rotate this back for me the way it should be I would be truly grateful. Oh and before anyone asks, no I don’t have the nuns on tape…

If you are looking for a place to stay in Prague, I can fully recommend the Domus Henrici


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