Thursday, May 30

I read in the local paper today that the local police are going to be mounting an undercover operation. They are going to dive deep into the dirty world of crime. The plan is to station undercover officers at 40 of the places where these crimes are rumoured to be taking place. They will have the power to videotape the crime taking place but curiously not the power to make any arrests. I can only assume that these crimes are too dangerous and it is better to try and arrest the criminals when they are less on guard. What crime is it the police are out to stop you ask? It's a shocking one, leaving old newspapers, glass bottles extra at the recycling centres without placing them in the proper containers. I would like to think that crime is so low that the police can have the time to do this kind of thing. But I don’t believe that for a moment, surely they most have something better to do? If it's cunning plan to stop the littering with just a press release and no real work then great hats off to them. Otherwise wouldn’t it be better to do some proper police work?


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