Monday, December 9

Fun and games are continuing at the factory. Not only did I have the chance to enjoy the firework display that is a giant toilet roll spinning without the breaks on, I also met another item from the giants cleaning closet. The industrial sized vacuum cleaner. Yesterday’s print run required unusual paper that we didn’t have in a width of 96cm. It was however available in a width of 112cm and so a fudge was born. Town vacuum nozzles were attached at strategic places on the press. The idea being that they would suck up the off cuts as the raced off the presses at a rate of 15kms per hour.

Imagine how much quicker the household chores would get done if you could hover at that speed. Except of course it doesn’t work. All evening long we were treated to displays that would have put any ticker tape parade to shame. Not that I mind of course. As long as the blame cannot be laid at my door I’m more than happy. The longer the printing takes the greater the chance they will have to continue operating 3 shifts and I will continue to have work.


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