Monday, February 17

I know I haven’t bloged in what seems like ages. Where have I been? Mainly working all the hours the boss would send and making arrangements to move to the other side of town.

After a crazy week at work last week I now find myself with no work at all. The company I work for and the union have had a disagreement so for the time being I find myself jobless. It seems the company wanted to increase the length of the working week, which the union were up in arms about. The union decided the best thing to do was to tear up the working hour agreement, which meant everyone had to revert to the central agreement. This agreement has no provisions for 3 shifts, therefore there are squeezing the staff from 3 shifts into 2. The upshot being that extra staff like myself are left out in the cold. Ho hum.

At least it gives me more time to get ready for our move in under 2 weeks time and our wedding that will follow quick on its heals.


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