Friday, January 10

Ski James Ski

If you can’t beat it join it. Faced with the thought of having snow well into April and the chances to run before that date limited I have decided to take another route. I have purchased a set of skis. A cross-country set I should add. While I would love to fly down the ski jump that you may have seen on my photos from a couple of days back my new skis are just not suitable for that kind of activity. If you believe that you will believe anything. Contrary to the evidence I do have a brain cell or two more than is require to begin that sport.

Instead I will be hitting the cross-country trails. If I will be any good is a totally different matter. I can see myself sliding backwards down any slight inclines that I incur on route or worse still not being able to move at all be it on a hill or otherwise. May I apologise in advance to any Swedes who may come across my interpretation of skiing. I don’t mean to be a nuisance; honestly I am trying to get out of your way. Is it my fault I was born clumsy? Just because I blocked the ski track by falling over when I was trying to get out of your way doesn’t mean you have to shout at me.


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