Wednesday, March 26

I think we have set a new world record. We have already fallen out with our new neighbours. It didn’t take a couple of weeks or a few days, no we managed to put their backs out before we had even moved in. The old couple above us are sulking as we choose to purchase the apartment on the ground floor instead of theirs on the first floor. They themselves had their eye on our new apartment as they would prefer not to have to walk up the flight of stairs. So now we are the evil couple who have moved in downstairs.

They wanted to know why we didn’t want theirs. We decided not to tell them because it was in a terrible state with ermm interesting decor, and just said it was as too much to do considering the price they were asking. I dread to think what they were saying when they heard all the noise when we laid the new floor over the weekend but really I don’t care. We would really have had to pull out so much more if we had gone for their place.

From people we know in the area they haven’t been looking that much before we came along. There are no other ground floor for sale at the moment in the housing association, but there have been fairly recently and they haven’t moved. It’s so much easier to blame us than look a bit closer to home.

It seems to be quite a gossip rampant area so have the associate probably thinks we are mean newcomers now. Nothing quite like making a good first impression.


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