Thursday, June 12

My details are in and they have taken my money, now all I have left to do is run the race. The races website kindly informed me that there are only 86 days left to go. Slightly worrying that, don’t they mean 185 days or maybe even a few more? That’s less than 3 months, which quickly becomes less than 2 months...1 month...and then turns into a drastic ohh shite. I’m starting to get a touch of nerves. I shouldn’t really, I have run 16kms non-stop several times now without any problem, so to add the extra 5 kms to that shouldn’t cause too much of a headache. If it was next week and I took plenty of rest, together with the race day atmosphere I believe in the back of my mind I wouldn’t have any troubles in running the distance. So what is it with this nagging self-doubt?

With the build up to our wedding and then the honeymoon that followed I missed about 3 weeks worth of training. It didn’t bother me, there were bigger events and more important things happening, but I did have the believe that when I returned to the trails I would be pleasantly surprised by my times. After all my legs had 3 weeks rest, they would surely be begging to get back out running again. No tired muscles to worry about, it would all be easy. Ha! The memo to my legs that this was just a temporary break had got lost in the internal mail, they had been busy choosing a retirement home in Bournemouth and dreaming of talking it easy. They had to be dragged around for my first run yesterday (well technically they had to take it in turns to drag each other around otherwise we wouldn’t have got anywhere at all, but you know what I mean). I only ran just over 6kms but I felt wrecked afterwards. I’m sure its only a temporary thing while I get back in the swing of running and working once again, but 86 days, that’s kinda soon..........


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