Tuesday, July 22

Everyone’s like to have a moan about the weather. Even if it were just how we say we would like it to be people would probably complain that they couldn’t moan about the weather. Working in what is basically a tin hot doesn’t really bode well for a comfortable time at work. You know from the start its just going to keep getting warmer and warmer as the shift goes on. Luckily we have a large air conditioning unit sitting on the roof that keeps the slave drivers, sorry I mean employers cool so they can continue to demand a higher output.

Being a perceptive chappy I could sense something wasn’t quite right. The air conditioning unit was still there, the four 4 fans were still in place slowly rotating, everything appeared to be in place so what could it be? Maybe the fact that it was “parked” in the centre of the car park. Some big wig had decided that now, during the middle of a heat wave was the best time to recondition our one source of cool comfort. The few weeks of the year when the unit is actually needed and they start to repair it now! Expect to here some woeful story soon about how the parts needed have to be ordered from New Zealand in the near future.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom however. Towards the end of our shift a beautiful mint green butterfly flutter serenely around the factory floor. For a moment it didn’t matter about the discomfort we were having to work in. This small creature had flown in and for a while its beauty in what must have been a totally alien environment for the insect was able to help us forget about the temperature. Calmly flying around our heads it was a pleasure to watch before it too decided too it was really just too hot and flew between the printing rollers.

If anyone buys a Swedish book containing a pressed butterfly maybe you too can share in its beauty


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