Friday, July 11

Well it has been a while, it feels like ages but I am back blogging once again. It would be great if I could give a deep and meaning reason or an interesting event for my lack of posting but its just a case of the old chestnut of not having enough time. Or more to the point having the time but not the energy or vice versa. Work has been eating up most of my time with most of the rest being spent with Maria while she is on holiday. Not a holiday in the style that I was used to back in England, one much more in the Swedish style. Three weeks taken out on block. And this is considered to be a short holiday! Many people it seems take out the whole 5 week entitlement in one swoop. It’s all right for some I guess.

A portion of this free time has been spent at a few auctions in the area. Having watched bargain hunt on BBC prime a few times we were bitten by the bug and wanted to have a go for ourselves. Nothing as fancy as on that TV show, much of it I would describe as old tat, but that just shows what I know. What I would consider as a piece of junk seemed to be the lots which go for a higher price than those I consider interesting. Part of the fun has to be people watching, including the fella who started throwing all his toys out of his pram as people were not bidding high enough. He starting berated the assembled motley crew for bidding 5 times as much for a small table than for a large bookcase with display cabinet. It was scandalous apparently, maybe so but that’s the way of auctions just remember to put a reserve price on it next time dear fella.

Other people, and I don’t think I have to mention any names for you to work out who I mean, don’t have any holiday entitlement at all. No we just have to slave away and make the most of the days where no work is forthcoming towards the end of winter. Holidays in the sun, or with the dregs of snow that refuse to go away.... oh no im not bitter.


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