Thursday, June 26

Why is watching someone else work so tiring. I have done next to nothing at work this week and I have come home worn out. I have had a little person assigned to the machine I work on with the idea what we will train them up. Quite ironic really since I hardly know what I am doing most of the time. You spend the whole time watching the little one to make sure they don’t do something stupid and then you go and bodge yourself. Paper everywhere.

Oh well least my error was easy to fix. Little sis heard the reports coming out over the last few weeks about drinking too much water. This clearly concerned her greatly as she decided the mineral water she was drinking shouldn’t pass her lips. Much better for the health conscious to pour the water all over her works 6-month-old laptop. It was a close call, think if she had drunk that water, she could have suffered the same fate as her laptop, and died.

You do cheer me up sis, its good to know that others can make more stupid mistakes than myself ;)


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