Thursday, March 28

Finally the missing parts to our new chair came in the post from Ikea on Wednesday. Would have been nice if they had put the screws in the parcel as well though. Hopefully Postis Per, have to love the Swedish versions of our childhood classics, will come with a parcel today as I could do with a comfy chair to collapse in. My legs are feeling to say the least, heavy at the moment. After cross training on Tuesday, I had a short run Wednesday morning, before having a call from work which meant another hour on the bike.

Work itself was a disaster. Ever had one of those days when nothing goes right ? It started badly, when the forks that are meant to collect the printed sections of books, stuck in the down position. This caused piles of paper to be thrown all over the floor at a rate of knots. Calls for help were hindered by ear protectors and I continued to drown in a flood of paper. Finally they noticed I had been replaced by a mountain of paper, and the clear up operation could begin. The rest of the shift was filled with over areas of the machine going wrong, which meant very little printing was done at all. There is nothing as boring as doing nothing.


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