Monday, July 8

ARRRGGGGGGGHHHHH ! To be continued....

To understate the situation, I don’t feel too good. Despite going to bed early last night by body refused to relax., for the second day running it was 2am before I was able to get some sleep. The difference being today was that I was due to get up at 4.50am to go to work. Knowing this fact my body decided it was prudent to wake me up at 4. Great.

Once I got there it wasn’t too bad. Actually it was quite good fun. I was given a new job. Still working on the same printing press, but feeding the monster paper rather than catching what it spits out. Of course the cosmic karma has to balance itself out, so the downside of this was that I had to work with incompetent fool who from this day forward will be known as lazy incompetent fool. Everything was going great, in the morning that is. I think I was lulled into a false sense of security but as it did for Cinderella at the stroke of 12 everything went pearshaped.

Go of to your bathroom. Go on. Spin your toilet roll around at a 100mph. Goes everywhere doesn’t it ? Now imagine that you toilet roll is a meter wide. That was my first mistake of the day. I forgot to put the brake on the giant toilet roll. Ho hum.

On well at least it was nearly time to go home. Just have to take a few containers around the factory for a spin on the forklift. Sounds easy enough. As long as you don’t find any drainholes. Ho hum. I huffed and I puffed but nothing happened. Nothing to do but to go ask the boss for help. Of course bosses like to keep you waiting a while just to show they are important, but at least he rescued the forklift. I won’t go near that hole again I thought as the boss wandered of and I reversed on my way.

I managed to get the grand distance of 3 metres before I was stuck again. */?#” **/”# said I, but in Swedish so you should be proud of me really. After more waiting and some ”funny” jokes which I assume I will be hearing more of I was rolling free again. 40 minutes after I should have finished I was finally on my way home. All in all a crap day. Sorry for a boring post, but I needed a whinge.


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