Thursday, April 11

It has been another energy sapping week. I dont remember it taking this much effort to cycle to work last year. At the end of the day my legs feel like jelly and if it wasnt for the careful positioning of the bed I could end up with a few broken bones. With that in mind I havent managed much running this week. A token 15 min jog during lunch on Monday. Well everyone is tapering for the London marathon this weekend, so why cant I ? I expect i will watch it on the telly anyway.
I have been working extra all of this week. The boss has phoned each day and asked if I can come in an hour extra. What this actually means is I get there, do 10 mins actual work and then everyone basically stands around and chats until the shift changes. Management slightly out of touch I think. Work is still ongoing on the template for this site. I think I am getting there, but would someone please test the comments sections, it looks so pathetic with "no comments" eveywhere !


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