Monday, April 7

Get-Rich-Quick Scheme number 34735: The humble household hoover

Its quick, its easy, and chances are you will already have all the components required by this scheme in your home already. With an everyday household vacuum cleaner you could be on your way to riches. But how does it work? Do you….

(a) Set up your own cleaning company and work yourself to the bone for the next umpteen years.
(b) Remove the dust bag, remarket the product as a revolution miracle and sell them by the truckload.
(c) Use the vacuum to suck the coins out of parking meters.

The answer of course is c! And where better to start your enterprise than the streets of Sweden. So keen is the Scandinavian country to attract entrepreneurs like yourself the government has even fitted the countries electronic parking meters with plug sockets for your trusty hover. Just plug and go!

Of course no one would actually try this would they? Theres a sucker born every minute


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