You know you have been in Sweden too long part two
You associate pea soup with Thursday.
You associate Friday afternoon with a trip to system bolaget.
You think nothing of paying £30 for a bottle of 'cheap' spirits at system bolaget..
You stay home on Saturday night to watch Bingolotto.
It seems sensible that the age limit at Stockholm night clubs is 23 or 25.
It no longer seems excessive to spend £100 on alcohol in a single night.
You care who wins 'Expedition: Robinson'.
You are no longer scared of Volvos and Volvo drivers.
You enjoy the taste of surströmming.
You use mmmm as a conversation filler.
You eat jam with savoury dishes.
You have only two facial expressions, smiling or blank.
You take every opportunity to raise an enormous flag in your garden.
You think it entirely reasonable to pay 10 pounds for a five minute chat with the doctor.
You think it is normal EVERYTHING is regulated and you obey the rules voluntarily.
You think smoking is criminal and started to use snus instead.
You stop explaining to people what Christmas Crackers are and accept that they aren't - at least in Sweden.
It feels natural to have every floor in the apartment consist of wood and no carpet
You think the UK is wrong to drive on the left hand side....
You stay in watching Swedish TV even though you cannot understand a word they are saying.
It feels right to call crisps, chips...
Even you can hear your own accent..
.When someone asks you for "sex" you assume they mean half-a-dozen.